How to write headlines training workshop
During the How to write headlines training workshop, all we talk about is your headlines. This is company specific, in-house training, just for you and your colleagues.
Headlines come in their numerous incarnations, including:
► Advertisements
► Direct mailshots
► Email subject lines
► Web pages
► Blogs
► Social media posts
The headline is the single most important element within any marketing piece.
If the reader’s attention is not arrested by your headline, they won’t read the rest of your copy.
Nigel Temple trained as a copywriter and he has written more than three million words of copy for every form of sales and marketing technique. He was trained to sell by Rank Xerox and he ran a marketing services agency for nine years.
Discover the most effective opening words for headlines; how to engage the reader’s brain; how to get their attention; and how to get them to read your message and call to action.
How to write headlines can be delivered as an in-house training workshop in-person or via Zoom, or as a talk.
Your copywriting trainer / presenter
Nigel Temple is a copywriter, trainer and speaker. His first book was entitled Writing Copy for the Web. Nigel loves to write and he enjoys teaching business people how to improve their writing skills. He has taught thousands of marketing staff, communications professionals, business owners and marketing agency staff how to improve their copywriting skills.
Training benefits
Increase open / click through rates. Discover how the professionals write headlines and have some fun along the way. Help your organisation to create more awareness, attract more customers and make more sales – through the power of headlines.
To find out more, or to receive a quick quotation by all means get in touch.
Within the UK call: 01628773128
From outside the UK call: +441628773128
Please mention ‘Copywriting training’.
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