You have planned a copywriting session. You sit down and start to write. The words flow and you find that you have written the first paragraph or even the first couple of paragraphs. You feel pleased. Naturally, you read through what you have written so far. Inevitably, there are some edits, including changes to the…
Category: Copwriting tips
The importance of headlines
Everyone knows that headlines are important in marketing. For example, five times as many people read the headline as the body copy of an advertisement. A good headline should telegraph your message into the mind of the reader. It will entice them to read the rest of your copy. In his book ‘Confessions of an…
7 tips for part time copywriters
Is copywriting part of your job? Perhaps you have a marketing role which includes writing, or you are a business owner who needs to promote your brand through the written word. Here are some tips on which may help. 1. Begin your day by writing 150 words. Do this before you open your emails. 2.…
Write in the language of benefits
It is all too easy, when you are writing ‘marketing words’ to focus on features. Every product or service has its own set of attributes and listing them is easy. Sadly, customers don’t buy features – they buy the benefit that the feature delivers. Benefits are the real reasons that people spend their hard earned…